I have been playing with Yupo lately, a synthetic paper that acts really differently from regular paper. Apparently artists have strong reactions to it, either loving what happens, or hating the lack of control. Well i think i love it! The paint does some crazy things, but it's so fluid and vibrant. It almost feels like cheating, like the painting is painting itself. The only thing I'm not so sure about is that, after looking at others' yupo paintings, is that they all have a similar quality to them, they all look a little the same, which, i don't know, takes away from the uniqueness of each person's work.
The other problem is that the paint is just sitting on top of the paper, so a bit of water can wash it all away again. So i bought some spray varnish which is making me nervous because it is apparently highly toxic and flammable. :(
Here are my yupos so far.